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Professional tips for curly or wavy hair

Achieving curls without frizz can be a challenge, that's why we spoke to Lea, our SalonLab&Me hairdressing expert for the best tips and tricks to care for and maintain curls. Here's what she had to say...

A must for curly or wavy hair

"To achieve gorgeous natural volume, I would recommend drying curly or wavy hair upside down with a diffuser. It can also work beautifully, if you simply let it air-dry.

Curls can be thirsty, so ensure your haircare routine has a great hydrating product. By giving the curls a lot of moisture you'll keep them shiny and beautifully defined."

How to define better curls?

"For beautiful curl or wave definition, I would simply recommend twisting the individual curls or scrunching them when drying, so that you get a lovely amount of tension and volume to support the curls a bit more."

How to deal with undefined curls or frizzy hair?

"When the curls get a little crinkly or even a little frizzy, I think it helps to use a spray conditioner. This adds moisture back, especially after cleansing the hair, to support the individual curls and give the hair that extra boost of hydration."

How to care for damaged hair?

"If the hair is broken, I would definitely recommend going to the hairdresser to trim off the ends that have become a bit frizzy and are no longer that healthy. Then reshaping the cut with lots of beautiful layers is ideal for this type of hair. It's always great getting product advice from the hairdresser – for curly and wavy hair types, I would recommend going for a deep conditioning treatment that supports the waves and curls and gives the hair the strength it needs."

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