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Essential winter wellness tips for selfcare


Shorter days, colder weather, more time spent indoors… it can be hard to feel like the best version of yourself in the winter. But by being proactive, you can ensure that you feel positive in both body and mind. Make this winter a magical one by following our top tips to feel your best.


Eat nourishing, healthy meals

It’s easy to overindulge during the winter months, especially during the festive season. However, maintaining a well-balanced diet packed full of fruits and vegetables will help you feel your best by supporting your immune system and overall health. Keep reminding yourself to “eat the rainbow” to ensure you nourish yourself with a wide variety of nutrients.


Stay hydrated

It’s just as important to stay hydrated during the winter as it is during the summer. If the thought of a cold glass of water isn’t appealing, why not opt for herbal tea? It has the added benefit of helping you to keep warm on chilly days. Hydration doesn’t only apply to your water intake either – your hair and skin need hydration too! Cold, dry air can lead to equally dry skin, so try opting for richer moisturisers and adding a hydrating hair mask to your haircare routine if you haven’t already.


Keep active

Although collapsing on the sofa may look like the most appealing option on miserable winter days, your physical and mental health will thank you for keeping up with your regular exercise routine as part of your winter wellness strategy! If you normally exercise outside and freezing temperatures are becoming an obstacle, consider trying a home workout instead.


Prioritise selfcare 

Cold, dark, and stormy nights were made for at-home pamper sessions. However, this doesn’t have to mean hours spent in the bathroom (unless you want to of course!). Try elevating your existing routines instead, for example by lighting a candle while applying your SalonLab&Me Intense Care Mask or adding a 5-minute meditation routine to the end of your skincare session.



Stay social

Staying connected to loved ones is vital for our wellbeing. If you let your social life slip during the winter you may end up feeling lonely and isolated, which can be detrimental for overall wellbeing. Even if the weather’s too bad to wrap up and head outside, make time to cosy up with friends at home instead.


Get enough sleep

Sleep is important all year round, but the winter months can make us feel like we need even more than usual thanks to darker mornings making it tough to get out of bed. To ensure a restful night’s sleep try and get outside during the day – the exercise combined with the natural light should make it easier for you to drift off come bedtime.


Create a cosy sanctuary at home

You’re likely to spend more time at home, so make it somewhere you genuinely enjoy being. Create soft lighting to counter the darkness – this can be as simple as lighting a candle or swapping existing bulbs for warm-toned LEDs. Stock up on warm blankets and snuggly throw cushions to make spending time at home as comfortable as possible.


Wrap up warm

It may sound obvious, but there’s nothing more miserable than being cold! When the temperature drops ensure you wear appropriate clothes to stay nice and toasty. Layers can be especially helpful, that way you can easily adjust what you’re wearing to the environment around you.

Follow these tips so that you can embrace the beauty of winter while nurturing your overall wellbeing!

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